Монгол бичгийн талаар олон жилийн өмнө хийж байсан загварчлалын ажил байгаа юм. Хэрэгтэй хүндээ бол уншаад үзвэл сонин байж магад гээд хаягуудыг нь энд холбоосоор хавсаргаад тавилаа. Гүүгл-дээд хайвал үндсэн санаа дээр нь суурилсан ажлуудын холбоосууд олдож магад.
My Report 75 : Миний бичсэн 75 дугаартай баримт бичгийн .PDF холбоос
Myatav Erdenechimeg and Richard Moore. Multi-directional Multi-lingual Script Processing. Technical Report 75, UNU-IIST, P.O.Box 3058, Macau, June 1996. Published in Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on the Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Hong Kong, April 2 - 4, 1997, under the title Multi-directional Multi-lingual Script Processing.
Although there are increasingly many text processing systems which support multiple languages, the majority of these do not allow the different languages to retain their traditional writing direction, instead imposing either that of the European families of languages (each line of text read left to right; lines ordered top to bottom) or that of the language of the country in which the software was written. In this paper we present a model of documents which not only allows the writing direction of a document as a whole to be defined but also describes multi-lingual documents in which different pieces of text have different writing directions. We also discuss the design of a software system based on this model which allows text in different languages which has been generated using existing text processing tools to be combined into a single multi-lingual document.
My Report 105 : Миний бичсэн 105 дугаартай баримт бичгийн холбоос.
Myatav Erdenechimeg, Richard Moore, and Yumbayar Namsrai. MultiScript I: The Basic Model of Multi-lingual Documents. Technical Report 105, UNU-IIST, P.O.Box 3058, Macau, June 1997. A part of the work has been presented at and published in the proceedings of the Workshop on the Principles of Digital Document Processing, March 1998, St. Malo, France, Ethan V. Munson, Charles Nicholas and Derick Wood (Eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1481, Springer Verlag, 1998, pages 70 - 81.
This document is the first of a series of three recording the output of the second phase of UNU/IIST's MultiScript project. It explains the basic structure of multi-directional, multi-lingual documents and some related auxiliary concepts (including how locations within such a document can be determined) and gives a formal specification of this in the RAISE specification language, RSL. This modifies and extends the preliminary specification in the UNU/IIST report No 75. The other documents in this series cover the display and printing, UNU/IIST report No 112, and the creation and editing, UNU/IIST report No 113, of such documents.
My Report 113 :
Myatav Erdenechimeg and Richard Moore. MultiScript III: Creating and Editing Multi-lingual Documents. Technical Report 113, UNU-IIST, P.O.Box 3058, Macau, September 1997. Revised June 1998.
This document is the third of a series of three recording the output of the second phase of UNU/IIST's MultiScript project. It extends the description and the formal specification of multi-directional, multi-lingual documents presented in the UNU/IIST report No 105 to cover the creation and editing of such documents. The second document in the series, UNUIIST report No 112 covers the display and printing of multi-directional, multi-lingual documents.
Энэ зураг олон жилийн өмнөх фантаз байгаа юм. Ингэж зурж үзэж байгаад {Entry point} санааг гаргаж ирсэн юм. :-)